Mute a user
This endpoint mutes a user. Messages sent by users
you've muted will be automatically marked as read and hidden.
Muted users should be implemented by clients as follows:
- The server will immediately mark all messages sent by the muted
user as read. This will automatically clear any existing mobile
push notifications related to the muted user.
- The server will mark any new messages sent by the muted user as read
for your account, which prevents all email and mobile push notifications.
- Clients should exclude muted users from presence lists or other UI
for viewing or composing 1:1 private messages. 1:1 private messages sent by
muted users should be hidden everywhere in the Zulip UI.
- Stream messages and group private messages sent by the muted
user should avoid displaying the content and name/avatar,
but should display that N messages by a muted user were
hidden (so that it is possible to interpret the messages by
other users who are talking with the muted user).
- Group private message conversations including the muted user
should display muted users as "Muted user", rather than
showing their name, in lists of such conversations, along with using
a blank grey avatar where avatars are displayed.
- Administrative/settings UI elements for showing "All users that exist
on this stream or realm", e.g. for organization
administration or showing stream subscribers, should display
the user's name as normal.
Changes: New in Zulip 4.0 (feature level 48).
Usage examples
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import zulip
# Pass the path to your zuliprc file here.
client = zulip.Client(config_file="~/zuliprc")
# Mute user with ID 10
muted_user_id = 10
result = client.call_endpoint(url=f"/users/me/muted_users/{muted_user_id}", method="POST")
curl -sSX POST \
muted_user_id integer required in path
Example: 10
The ID of the user to mute/un-mute.
Example response(s)
Changes: As of Zulip 7.0 (feature level 167), if any
parameters sent in the request are not supported by this
endpoint, a successful JSON response will include an
A typical successful JSON response may look like:
"msg": "",
"result": "success"
An example JSON response for when the user is yourself:
"msg": "Cannot mute self",
"result": "error"
An example JSON response for when the user is nonexistent or inaccessible:
"msg": "No such user",
"result": "error"
An example JSON response for when the user is already muted:
"msg": "User already muted",
"result": "error"